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Thursday 10 November 2011

Pump Time!

Sat here writing this with my new insulin pump! Also have a really bad headache, there was way too much infomation to take in, and a 3 hour appointment with no break was hard going! I've only got it with saline at the moment but im still so paranoid about doing something wrong!

The pump I have is a (purple) Medtronic MiniMed and so far, is pretty straight forward to use. I think that I picked up things pretty quickly and my DSN and Pump Rep seemed impressed. Saying this, Ive just got home and have been practising inputting blood sugars and grams of carbs and was a bit unsure! Guess this gets easier with time and practise!

Got some cool skins for my pump if I want to put them on; picked one with a jelly bean pattern on it, mainly to amuse my little cousin who is so so so interested in all of this!

I was a wreck this moring; I didnt sleep at all last night and my mum must of thought that she had done something wrong the amount of times I snapped at her. It didnt help that she was nervous as well so was talking a load of rubbish all morning.

So overall verdict; so far so good. Nowhere near as bad as I thought that it was going to be and the pump isnt as comlicated as I expected.

On another note, my cousin has just been diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at the age of 17. He's taking it all in his stride it seems and doesnt seem to phased by it. I'd love to be able to do something with the hospital that helps families when their child is diagnosed? If anyone knows how I can go about this then let me know!


  1. Glad it's going well so far, I only had an hour's appointment when I got my pump AND they put me on insulin straight away! My first infusion set got kinked (QuickSet) so by the time I got to work after the appointment my BG had shot up to 18 and I had to do a set change straight away on my own :P

    Have they told you about the Contour Link meter? When you are on an insulin pump you can order one from Bayer for free, it will automatically send your BG readings to your pump wirelessly so the only thing you have to do then is fill in the carbs and press enter ;) works for corrections too it's really useful!

  2. i have that monitor now, had to ask them for one when i realised that i could get one! it is really useful that it just sendd it to the pump, makes things a bit easier :)

    I wouldnt have felt right with only one one hour appointment! your very brave!

    How long have you been "pumping"?
