Blogger Templates

Saturday, 26 November 2011


Someone's blog I've read recently really interested me, so Ive decided to follow the same subject and give my opinion on the matter. The subject being diabetic stigma; the ignorance and the annoying and irritating comments people make when they think they understand.

1. not being able to eat chocolate.
I'm not allergic to it, so why shouldnt I eat something that I enjoy (a little bit to much). I was to cut out choloclate because im diabetic, then where would it stop? Biscuits? Fruit Juice? Birthday cake? Alcohol? I try and explain that I'm allowed what I want in moderation, and aslong as I make the correct adjustments I'll be fine. Then comes to funny looks *she's not looking after herself*. Pet hate!

2. diabetic because I ate rubbish when I was younger
i got a lot of stick at school (senior) because of the other kids blaming my diet for the reason I got diabetes. And no matter how much I tried to explain it's majorly down to genetics they still made comments and stayed misguided. I would love to go into schools and explain to children what type 1 diabetes actually is.

3. blood sugars high? automatically means you are a bad diabetic
I cant talk for anyone else but I know that sometimes diabetes throws me a high BL and for no reason at all. If someone asks, Ill tell them. I instantly get "oh you must have done something wrong" "your a bad diabetic". One high BL in a long time doesnt NOT mean Im not looking after myself. I could have an underlying infection, or some insulin hasnt been absorbed properly.

4. biscuit? biscuit? biscuit? oh sorry your diabetic, you cant have one!
The worst of the bunch. Someone else making the decision for you. If this happens I normally grab one anyway, whether I was going to have it or not, just to prove a point. It links with the first point. Don't presume. Im diabetic, I eat, I eat things I like, just like you do :).

5. can you catch diabetes?
Yes, I have been asked this. More than once. And it frustrates me every time! Sometimes, I say yes, just to see the reaction. Stupid question requires stupid answer. How can they even ask if it contagious? The amount of people that have type 1 or type 2 diabetes in the world, wouldnt everyone be contaminated? Clearly there minds don't think that way.

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