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Friday, 20 January 2012

New Year ... Finally

HAPPY NEW YEAR :) it's late I know but better late right?

Christmas with the insulin pump was great. Made things so much easier as Im one of those people who eats little and often, so pumping makes that so much easier compared to injections! Medtronic were great too; coming out with supplies when I made my first ordering mistake! Never again. 

I worked alot over christmas (cafe assistant) and Im still having the same problems of going hypo half way during my shift. Really frustrating. I keep forgetting to change my basal rate before i start my shift. Because my shifts arent set and I dont know when I will be working its not something that I can set up before hand. I have the worst memory ever apparently. Not a good sign in a Diabetic! When I do rememeber to temp basal, then my shift at work goes smoothly, as Ive got the right percentage (85% seems to work).

Something that is becoming more frequent now is my insulin pump becoming disconnected during the night whilst sleeping. The first time it happened was bad; I had work in the morning which I had to cancel, and my BM's were HI for about 5 hours (must have been disconnected for a good few hours). Its happened again now (twice) and im constantly waking up in the night to check that Im still "hooked up". Any suggestions to make this NOT happen are gladly welcome. I need a decents nights sleep!

Was back up at the Pump Clinic just after christmas, and I had had enough. I made sure that I saw my consultant (which is something that doesnt happen all the time) and i quizzed them about my lypohypotrophy situation, making it clear that I wanted some form of answer. Amazing what persistance and confidence can do. They have finally admitted that I do have a very rare and extreme case and that something should have been mentioned early, and have now agreed to have me referred to a specialist in Preston for me to have a chat with and see what they suggest. It may not be all paid for on the NHS but it is a big step in the right direction! (see other blog for infomation).

So overall, looking forward to an exciting year! 2012 - first full year with my pump, hopefully getting those HBA1C's down to a reasonable level, and possible abit of corrective surgery? Bring it on!


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