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Friday, 28 October 2011

On Countdown...Tick Tock

12 days to go, and defiantely counting! Beyond nervous, not sure there is a word for that!?! Im totally still not in the rightframe of mind for it, and I cant get excited about it. Any ideas are welcome :-)

Tried finding some people to talk to who are currently "pumping" but the conversation tends to last a day and then we dont talk again, which is sad (and a little infuriating). Ive still got loads of little itty bitty questions that I want answering!

Saying that though, I have had some great advice and support from the people off a diabetes forum that I am apart of. I'd recommend it to anyone, not just diabetics but for people who want to learn more about diabetes or live with someone with diabetes. Link to follow >

This week has been a bad week anyway, fell UP the stairs and messed my thumb and wrist up, so cant drive and cant work, which is only given me more time to think about the up and coming appointment! Feel stupid talking about it to people around me, kinda feel like they dont understand.
Going to keep positive about it though, more than likely it's going to help me tons!!

Friday, 7 October 2011

First Steps.

This blog isn't really Insulin Pump related, but relates to diabetes (as everything normally does in my life) so I thought, why not share it?

First holiday away without the parents; a really daunting thought for me anyway, without putting diabetes into the equation. Major issue with airports, but thats another story! Im pleased to say i survived (of course I did) and had zero problems. I really dont know what I was worried about. I know what Im doing, Im aware insulin sucks when its hot so keep it cool when you can (I never took my injections out of the hotel room, they stayed in the fridge the whole time!) and that heat can effect blood sugars, but I think I dealt with everything fine! If any one reads this (doubtful) that is worried about going away, dont. Seriously, it's fine, if I can do it, then I'm going to say that anyone can!

I had a fair few hypos when I was away, which is a really strange feeling for me ow as I hardly get them. Had a 1.9 at one point which was scary; I got myself from the side of the pool and up 7 floors without remembering how I did it!

Pump Update!
Nerves are kicking in more than every now. Im starting to (again) doubt whether this is really what I want, as I normally like taking the easy option, and this is far, far, far from easy in my eyes! But, (again) I've got to give it a shot and at least see if its for me. My nurse said that she isnt aware of anyone who has had one and hasnt liked it, but saying this, I'm the thrid person in the whole of Cumbria to be getting one, so its a not a huge group of people she is talking about!
