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Monday 19 September 2011

Hello World!

My first ever blog!!

I decided to write this blog when I found that I was going to become an Insulin Pump user, as I found it really difficult to find someone to talk to about the process and there feelings on the matter! I am certainly no expert on diabetes nor do I pretend to be, but if my blog helps put at ease just one person, then I'd be happy :)

Ive been living with Type 1 Diabetes for 10 nearly 11 years now, only being admitted into hospital once (I think thats pretty good). I've had a pretty tough time with diabetes with one thing and another not going my way; regime after regime now working, high blood sugars for no reason, low blood sugars for no reason, lypo-hypertrophy and so on. So when my DSN mentioned an Insulin Pump my Mum thought it was a great idea. Me? Not so much.

The idea completely freaked me out. Having something attached to me all the time, having something under my skin? No thanks. To be honest, I'm still not sure how I feel about it now and I've got my appointment for the beginning of November to get it fitted! The pro's definately outweighted the cons for me getting it though, and the people around me and the nurses at the hospital thought that it was for the best, so what did I have to lose? At first I was totally against it; injecting has never really bothered me so it wasnt about not having to inject. Ive come round to the idea a little more now.

Blood tests all came back clear and I fitted into the criteria for the pump so thats it now :) 10th of November I'll be a pump user (Saline first). I don't know what to expect, but I guess everyone feels like that? 

This is my first blog so apologises if it comes across bad. I don't know what people will think, but its helped me writing it down, because I want it to be read by people in my position, who know what I feel.


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